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Hassle Free Legal Forms

A Simple and Inexpensive Legal Solution

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Contact Us.
Tell Us What Document You Need

At Hassle Free Legal Forms, we understand that sometimes you need a legal document without all the hassle. That’s why we offer a wide range of legal forms and documents specifically designed & prepared to meet your specific needs, at a fraction of the cost you’d usually expect to pay.

"We Make It Simple & Inexpensive"

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Your Document is Prepared

At Hassle Free Legal Forms we understand that legal documents can be overwhelming and very confusing for many individuals. Whether you need a Will, Power of Attorney, Divorce or any other legal document, our team of legal experts will work directly with you to ensure your legal document is prepared to your specific needs.


No Complicated Fill in the Blank Forms

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An Attorney Reviews & Approves Your Document

Hassle Free Legal Forms provides legal document preparation services with the assurance that an experienced attorney reviews and approves every document we prepare. We understand that navigating the legal system can be confusing and annoying. Our process is designed to simplify the document process while making it very affordable.

Free Corrections or Modifications

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Your Document is Delivered to You!

Our mission at Hassle Free Legal Form, is to make the legal document process as simple, straightforward and inexpensive as possible. Once your document(s) is prepared and reviewed by an attorney, your documents will be delivered quickly and efficiently. We take care of all the legal jargon and technical details, so you can focus on what matters most. With our convenient online service, you can have your legal document in your hands in no time.

We Make It Simple! "Its Not That Complicated"

Signing a Contract

What Types of Forms \ Documents Do You Offer?

No Fill-In-The-Blank Forms!

Your document is prepared by a certified Paralegal & approved by an Attorney

  • Last Will & Testament

  • Living Will

  • Medical Directive

  • Tax Debt Relief

  • LLC Formation

  • Power of Attorney

  • IRS Tax Relief

  • Divorce

  • Contracts

  • Bill of Sale

  • Rental Agreement

  • Eviction Notice

  • Promissory Notes

  • Loan Agreement

  • Motor Vehicle (DMV) Bill of Sale

  • And More

Average Hourly Attorney fee is $327 per hour. Our Documents are prepared and delivered for Under $300.00*
(Filing Instructions Included)

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